“Art comes from the soul within, life nurtures our creativity.
My works describe my Chinese identity.
Thy are the result of the changes that I have faced, and experiences I have gained in foreign contries.
My creation is derived from a new inner strength, which seems to stem from my ‘subconscious’;
this feeling is similar to the ‘ Six Sense’ and ‘Zen’ which are being integrated into my artwork.”
By Helen Zhang
I came to know Helen when I was honored by hosting her first art exhibition in 2014 in Singapore. Helen’s abstract oil painting exhibition ‘loving you without words’ was a great success and the exhibition was focused on the expression of her deep love and sorrow for her lost one in a painful yet beautiful way.
The strong color of her work has an emotional impact on reader’s minds and is also very changeable in a different form. Every touch of her artwork is for her to uncover her subconscious as well as dialogue between the soul and ocean… Ms Helen Zhang is in the middle of preparing her second exhibition this year.
We can’t wait to see her new creations of the beautiful art series ‘ Nature’ .
Author: Katie Zheng
“艺术是来自灵魂深处, 生活是创作的源泉。
我的创作得助于一种新的力量——“潜意识”, 这种感觉犹如“第六感”与“禅”相似的东西发展到我的作品中。”